Michael Jackson turns 50!
Have a happy, happy birthday!
I love you and wish you all the best!
My love, my God, my hero, my role model!
Det gör mig absolut ingenting att jobba som au-pair, jag älskar barn och vill jobba med barn i framtiden så det skulle jag bara tycka om. Men om jag skulle få möjlighet att jobba med något bättre, skulle jag ju självklart ta det erbjudandet. Tex jobba i ngt café, hotell, guide osv. Jag såg ett superduperbra erbjudande om att arbeta som guide för fritidsresor, men kursen skulle kosta över 5000:-, det har jag tyvärr inte råd med... Annars skulle det vara hur underbart som helst!
Jag ska söka vidare efter en massa jobb och se vad det är för utbud! =)
Och igår fick jag träffa lilla Amalia för första gången! Vilken underbar goding! Hon log med hela ansiktet och hade såna roliga miner för sig! Hon var så stark också! Det märkte jag både när hon greppade tag i mitt finger, samt när hon låg i sängen och åmade sig!
På en del bilder som jag har sett så ser hon lite ut som Skalle-Pär från Ronja Rövardotter, men hon var så mycket sötare i verkligheten! Världens ögon, knallblåa och jättestora! Hur söt som helst!!
Tyvärr så är det ju alltid så när man åker hem till Kärstin att hon ska prata om en massa saker, och det gäller bara att lyssna och hålla med. Jag orkar fortfarande inte att stå upp mot henne, eller säga ifrån. Jag orkar inte ha diskutioner med henne, för det är ändå bara hon som ska prata och få sin vilja igenom. Igår så handlade det om att jag ska ta ett studieuppehåll. Hon vägrade inse att jag är skoltrött, och hon vägrar förstå att jag har varit skoltrött i ett par år. Den enda anledningen till att man får ta ett studieuppehåll, enligt henne, är när man mår dåligt. Och om jag mår dåligt då? Om jag är skoltrött, så mår jag ju inte bra när jag är i skolan, så varför är inte den orsaken acceptabel? Jaja, jag bryr mig inte om vad hon anser direkt, men det är ju alltid skönt med stöd.
Hell yeah!
If I keep this up I'll soon be group leader over the office in Norrköping. That would be amazing! Imagine that, and just imagine my salary!! tjoho =)
Sweet as I often say. Hell yeah!
Jag satte mitt egna dagsrekord idag! Tidigare så har det legat på 2.990:- men idag så har jag sålt för 5.490:-!! (Två ordrar, en snubbe fick ett riktigt rabatterat pris - 500:-) Inte för att det är en bra siffra att ligga på på dagen, men det är bra för mig!
Mattias som sitter bredvid mig ska sälja för 15.000 per dag, idag ligger han på 14.500 men annars brukar han kränga in runt 20k ... Men han är ett rejält undantag! Jag ska bli så bra som han är så att jag kan bli gruppchef för Nkpgkontoret!
Idag så ska jag hem till Micke, hans storebror ska vara där med sin flickvän också. Det ska bli mys. Danne har precis kommit hem från sin europaresa med sina polers! Hulken går ju på TV ikväll också, jag har alltid velat se den men inte orkat betala för det så jag ska övertala Micke att vi ska se på den tillsammans =)
Han är ju inte direkt snygg, men stark iaf ; )
Om ni är lika känsliga som jag är, så kolla INTE på filmen!
Gratis Make-up
Klicka på länken nedan och regristrera dig, så samlar du poäng både till dig själv och mig.
Kul va?
I told him so, and he laughed. I bet he has heard it many times before.
But, next call I'm going to sell =) I give you that for sure! <3
Check this page out =)
I've danced at Arbis before, but now I am going to start it again!! Lovely! I had so much fun last time, and I learned so much! Now I will learn even more, and I am so going to show off my gymnastic moves!!!
Work, work, work! I haven't sold anything yet!...
Karin had to go today from work, yes she got fired! But as I sense it now, I am close to get the sack as well. I have to reach the requirements every day. I know this, and I've known it since day one. But I have to tell you, it is hard to reach them.
I will honour her memory and give you her blog address ENJOY!
Now I am going to sell,sell,sell,sell!
Duffy-Warwick Avenue
She is even pretty! What a creature she is, and I'm not jealous...
Oliver Twist is a very small pub in Norrköping, I've never been there and I probably wont go back either! But it was really comfy, everyone knew everyone. But all of them were alcoholics! ... So, I acctually prefer Svea.
Lotta is 57 years old... And she is my new best friend! She is adorable! She gave me a pack of cigarettes, but unfortunately I forgot them in the bar...
I feel lousy today! (Not 'cause the wine! It was only one glas!!)
They are so pretty! Frej is the one on the top row to the left,
and Björn is sitting in the center.
Jag, mamma, Micke och Johan bowlade i fredags. Det gick inte så bra för mig och mamma. Johan vann ju såklart, men Micke var väldigt nära (han fick in tre strikes på slutet) Haha, mamma ramlade på banan. Hon gick ut på det hala och slant, men det såg väldigt graciöst ut =) Jag frågade Johan om han förstod var jag hade fått min klantighet ifrån, han förstod =) Sen råkade hon även slänga bowlingklotet bakom sig =)=)=) Jag skrattade massor!
Efter det gick vi upp till nattklubben på Hugos och tog en varsin öl. Jag bjöd mamma på en alkoholfridrink som verkligen var en kick! Den var ju bättre än något annat med alkohol i!! Sen bar det av hemåt!
I lördags shoppade vi loss! Ska visa bilder och förklara mer senare, nu ska jag jobba!
Jag har märkt att jag har tappat en del läsare nu när jag endast skriver på engelska. Jag tänkte att jag även kunde skriva på svenska, men det är så tråkigt! Och jag vill ju helst att jag ska lära mig massor av nya engelska ord, tack vare bloggen! Men egentligen, varför inte även göra det på svenska? Jag har ju inte direkt världens bästa ordförråd i svenskan heller!
Och jag lovar att jag inte bara kommer skriva om ord, jag skriver även om en massa andra roliga saker, och tråkiga saker också för den delen!! Jag är varierande, så att säga =)
Variation är fint det!
OS idag, och Stockholmsdagen! Jag är väldigt sugen på vattenkriget de ska ha i gamla stan (tror jag det var). Världens största vattenkrig, hur coolt är inte det??!
Mamma kommer hit idag, vi ska bowla på hugos! Micke och Camilla ska följa med, kanske även några av Mickes kompisar. RFSL ska vara på Hugos idag och dela ut gratis kondomer. Kan det bli mer pinsammare? Mamma på Hugos med mig, och sen RFSL? Haha, det är roligt samtidigt!
(ops, nu råkade jag göra något med texten... Ett tecken på att jag måste börja jobba kanske?!)
(2) My Brother
I will never understand how a person can be such an egoist that he or she can do drugs!
I totally broke down infront of my boss today, that was embarrasing but he was very gentle and polite! He listened, understood and made me feel better. I haven't really been focused today, and I hope he'll understand!
Luckily, Michael slept with me tonight (And I don't meen we had sex, just Zzzleeping). It was comfortable, and I felt safe. I don't feel safe when I don't sleep with him, when I sleep alone I have to kuddle with a pillow to feel a bit more safe...
I am really lucky to have this thing to kuddle with during the nights, Love her!!
It has started!
I am so going to watch the gymnastics Saturday morning!!! =)
Many thoughts are going crazy in my head right now. When I have the strenght I'll tell you!
"This is not a thank you note, these are just a few lines that I wrote. They were never ment for you to hear, they just kept ringing in my ear!"
/Thunderbird Hotel - Oh Laura.
(This will be my new logo)
Michael Jackson
My baby Michael Jackson turns 50 the 29th of August this year!
Check www.jacksonaction.com
This is how I remember my love from the HIStory tour in Sweden 1997!
My Family
I moved to a foster care family when I was 3, the first time. I lived there for about 1 year or so I think. Then I moved to Kerstin Kastila for a year or two, then I moved to Kärstin and Stig. There, I lived for 3 years. I moved to my dad's place and lived there for two years. After that I moved back to Kärstin and Stig.
Kärstin and Stig had 4 kids of their own. Their first son died in sudden infant death syndrome. They also had 4 foster care daughters and sons. Jonas died last year (which of course was very sad). My sister ran away when she was about 14. Sanna has lived there since she was 11 months.
I have a lot of sisters and brothers. I call my foster care sister for my real, biological sisters. So in total I have (let me count) Pernilla, Annika, Melinda, Sanna, Marina, Micke... My dad also have two daughters I've only met once each, and also a son which I saw quite a bit when I was younger! He also told me that I had a younger sister for a couple of years (whom I also lived with) but it wasn't true. So in total : about 9. Don't know how I should count!
My background is very complicated, but it's nothing I brag about and I don't feel sorry for myself! It's just the way it is. This is how I've lived my life. This is what has made me into who I am. I am proud! I am glad I've lived this life and not another life. Why would I like to live like someone else? I want my life, I have my life and I am proud over myself and my family. Every family has "black sheep", so do mine.
I don't want sympathi. Noone needs to tell me to be strong or "hang in there" 'cause I don't need it. This is my life! It's my life and my history and I like it. It's been tought times to times, but I like it this way. I don't want it to be in any other way! This is what has created me into what I am.
Got to get back to work! We had a very important meeting today... It doesn't seem like we are getting our office in Norrköping, which we've been looking forward to and which we've been promised. That sucks. But I got to stick to it and I wont let this get me down. I don't need this right now, what I need is energy and motivation. I need Michael Jackson. I am soooo going to listen to him on my mp3 on the way home to Michael (Eklund, not Jackson...).
This is the homepage to where I work...
My brother
Resit depression
Well, the vacation period is over now so the others are here again. It's great when there's no silence, more people equals more noice! And that's what you need when you work like this, so you know there are others suffering as well. Haha, suffering was a bad word to choose. But you get my point! Several of my colleagues are going to Lissabon this Wednesday... I'm not at all jealous!
Now during my break I will study a bit of British Cultural Studies. If I can't take a day off I don't know what to do. If that's the case I will have to do the resit next year, 'cause I AM going to move to Spain (then you'll read my blog in Spanish instead of English)... I am in trouble...
Now I am going to study!
So long for now!
The Weekend
Friday, what did I do this Friday? I met up with my best friend Mli and we went to Folkparken. I had forgotten that Kent played that day in Folkparken, so there was a lot of people there. And I didn't know that Markus Krunegård was the "foreplay"band... Haha. We had a very nice time in the park, some of her friends (and mine as well...) came and joined us. Then I went to Världens where I met Angelo, Johan, Patte and Dover. Michael came and pick me up in his parent's car and we went home.
I woke up the Saturday morning and Michael wasn't there, he had gone home without saying good bye. I hated him in that moment. I thought we're to do something togehter but no... I didn't go to Stockholm with Josse 'cause it rained. So I met up with Leonard instead, he took me out on a restaurant as a late birthday present. Then we went home to my place and he helped me with colouring my hair, so now I am really a redheaded =) After that I went to Josse's place and helped her with preparations for her party. I missed the bus to her, so I had to walk in the rain with my stilettoes!!
On that party I met a friend from school, I was so in love with that guy when I was about 13 and 14... He was so cute back then, he hadn't changed much really. He was still nice, and clumsy it seems... =)
Today I haven't done much. I slept at Michael's place, went home, met Krille and the gang, took care of Phoenix and then back to Michael's place again. We're playing Guitarr Hero now, he is so good at it! I am waiting for the dinner, I could die of starvation by now-promise!!
Tomorrow it's back to work again. There's no longer vacation so we have two hours longer days from now on again. Damn! I really enjoyed short days! If I could decide I want work days to be shorter and I would like the weekends to be longer!!! That would be ideal! And, of course, I have to earn a lot of money! =)
Seems like the food is ready, gotta go =)
Pictures from Eklund's Country House
Look at that sunset!!
Nova and me <3
Haha, look at him! He is ready!
But I wasn't that happy, I had nightmares!
Marcus and I.
Mm, breakfast!
Wie, I chopped some wood =)
Check this out:
The countryside
Furthermore, we went to the house. We unpacked our things, grabbed a beer and relaxed a while. Then Marcus, Michael's younger brother, and Martin, the son of a friend of Maud, wanted me to join them in chopping wood. So we had to go a long way in the forest to get some wood with a wheelbarrow. Guess who had to pull that stupid thing in the mud? I DID!! And it was heavy, veeery heavy! And then we chopped some wood, I was actually quite good at it! At first I needed some excercize but after a while I managed the trick! =) After that I was tired so I sat down with the adults and had another beer, and then we ate a very nice dinner with a glass of wine! We had salomon with rise and an excellent sallad! Then the kids,including me and Michael, went to the lake and went fishing! I got the first nibble, but I threw the fish back in! I felt sorry for it! Then my sympathi disappeared and I got two more fishes which I kept =) Then Michael got this huuuuge pike, and I had to kill it!! (As I said before!)
The other day we didn't do anything! We just relaxed in the sun, took a dip in the lake, help out with the dinner and so on...
An excellent trip! I want to do it again! Which I will the 16th of August, then it is crayfish party with the Eklunds with friends!! =)