Studying for the British Cultural Studies Exam

I can't remember that studying for this exam the last time was as difficult as it is this time. There's so much to study. And I have to study it all over again, since I've forgotten everything. And I have to study for the American Cultural Studies aswell, and for the literature. And writing a VFU report... I have a lot to do, lucky me...Or?

Right, I'm going to study two periods of time for the exam and I've chosen the 18th century and probably the 19th century aswell. And I've chosen Jonathan Swift as one of my writers I'll write about, and probably Constable and Millais as my artists.

The 18th century is also known as the Age of Reason and the Augustan Period (because the educated during this time were influenced by the Roman Empire).

Jonathan Swift wrote Gulliver's Travels in 1726. Swift is a famous satirist, he is known to be a specialist on two styles of satirism; the Horatian and the Juvenalian. Swift also wrote poems, but he is the most famous for his prose.

Gulliver's Travels is satirical. The first part of this book, when he is in Lilliput land, Gulliver observes the court of the land which is intented to satirize the court of George the first (the king in England during this time). Swift also represent the feuding between the Protestants and the Catholics in this part with the war between the Lilliputians and the Blefuscudians. This book gives a satirical view of the state of the European Government.

Another important writer from this era is Daniel Defoe, and his novel Robinson Crusoe (1719). Defoe is considered to be the founder of the style Novel. In Robinson Crusoe he writes a lot about religion and sins.

I need to study a lot more. And eat. And sleep. And work out. Well, first thing first: study.


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